酷炫3L竖琴醒酒器!Riedel玩转醒酒器,针对3L容量的大型红酒开发了3L尺寸的竖琴型醒酒器。提升3倍的快乐与酷炫,加速醒酒的速度! #RIEDEL #快速醒酒 #家居好物 #酷炫醒酒#今夜来一杯微醺酒

  • RIEDEL官方旗舰店
  • 2024-09-03

today, i want to talk to you about decking, big bottle sizes. i have here three different sizes of the real amadeo deca, utu, philon sugar, nineteen eighty two, using the madea double magnum. and of course, this beautiful deca makes it t easy for you to serve a glass of wine. serving you a glass of wine.

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